With the realization of the pandemic being not so short term, more people are focusing their efforts on how they can adjust their daily life to be safe while they wait for a vaccine. This shift in focus is due to various news reports that while Covid vaccines are being tested in trials, the public may not have access to one until next year. Waiting this long to resume daily activities may not be just an issue of cabin fever now that schools and business have started to open up. So for many, a big part of this adjustment includes transportation. When everything was shut down in the beginning of the pandemic, schools and jobs went remote, most medical appointments went virtual or were canceled if not an emergency, and people only ventured out for essentials like groceries. Even shopping turned into an online thing, with services like CVS delivering medicine, and Stop & Shop grocery delivery and Amazon handling everything else. Now that schools and stores are re-opening, and business are allowing employees back with guidelines, people are researching less about how to navigate zoom and more about how to safely travel.

Whether it be to school, work, or the grocery store, more and more people are turning to cab companies for transportation. According to an article on Masslive, as of Aug. 17, "weekday ridership for the MBTA’s bus service and blue line hovered just below 40%. The orange and red lines barely eclipse 20%. The green line was close to 20% while the silver line and commuter rail teetered closer to 10% weekday ridership". Also, according to the MBTA, "the blue line during peak hours in 2019 saw more than 30,000 weekday ticket validations. Since June, the number of weekday validations on the blue lines averaged just more than 4,000. The green line was the second busiest train in 2019 with about 28,000 weekday validations during peak hours. Since June it barely reaches 3,500". When things started slowly opening up around Cambridge, the weather also started warming up, so people took advantage of getting around Cambridge on foot, or bike. Now that Massachusetts has started to feel dips in temperature, it will not be long before snowfall starts also. Cab companies are starting to get more calls for taxi cabs around Cambridge and they are not just calls from repeat customers. People that are going back to work or even just running errands are looking for alternatives to the T, Uber, and Lyft. Citing social distancing, increasing Uber fares and cancelled rides, people are looking into how to call a taxi and asking questions about taxi hours, Covid guidelines, and taxi cab fare estimation. Cambridge Taxi Cab has put together a list of common questions that have been received since the pandemic.
How do I order a taxi cab in Cambridge?
Ordering a taxi with Cambridge Taxi Cab is pretty easy and can be done in two ways. If you want to call a taxi, Cambridge Taxi Cab can be reached at 617- 649-7000. Cambridge Taxi cab dispatches taxis 24 hours, 7 days a week. If you are traveling local and just need a taxi around Cambridge, MA we ask that you call when ready, This allows us to dispatch cabs as needed and we would be able to give you an estimated time of arrival for your taxi cab. If you are need a taxi cab to Logan Airport or South Station, you may also call when you are ready or you may reserve in advance.
The second option to order a taxi cab is to use our online taxi reservation tool. To complete the short form, include info such as your name and cell phone number and your taxi reservation details. You will then receive confirmation of your taxi booking shortly.
How much does a taxi cab cost?
Cab fare estimation depends on factors like distance as well as time. So if you take a taxi during rush hours or snow, where you may be sitting in traffic or driving cautiously, it may be a little higher and average times. Cambridge Taxi cab has a great cab fare estimation tool that can give you an idea of how much a taxi ride will be from point A to point B. Again, this is just an estimate, as rush hour or inclement weather may add more time and therefore an increase in fare. Cambridge Taxi Cab offers flat rate taxi cab to Logan Airport and South Station. When booking your taxi, just let a representative know you are interested in a flat rate taxi cab service.
Is your taxi 24 hours?
While taxi cab hours can vary from company to company, Cambridge Taxi Cab operates taxi cabs 24 hours, 7 days a week. Customers can call a representative to schedule a taxi ride. You can also go online to book an online taxi cab reservation. While we are considered essential workers during the pandemic, Cambridge Taxi Cab has been able to offer taxi cabs around the clock as well.

Can I pay for my taxi with a credit card?
Cambridge Taxi Cab offers customers the ability to pay taxi cabs by credit card. We accept all major credit cards and can provide electronic receipts for taxi rides.
Do you have a van taxi?
Cambridge Taxi Cab offers various size taxis, including the taxi cab van, in addition to standard size taxis. Please note that a van cab is in limited supply and should be reserved for van service to Logan airport, as well as taxi rides with larger groups. Prices for a van cab are also slightly higher than prices for a standard taxi.
What are the guidelines for taking a taxi during the Covid pandemic?
Please note that all passengers are required to wear masks during all taxi cab rides. Cambridge Taxi Cab also offers contactless payment via credit cards.
Do you have other taxi cab service questions that you would like answered? Cambridge Taxi Cab is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Customers can call 617-649-7000 or email rides@cambridgetaxicab.com with questions, as well as submitting questions in the comments below.